Custom Date and Time Codes
These can be used in the "Custom" field in the Show YouTube Video Upload Date extension if you have a paid subscription.
- YYYY: 4-digit year (e.g., 2024)
- YY: 2-digit year (e.g., 24)
- MMMM: Full month name (e.g., January, February)
- MMM: Abbreviated month name (e.g., Jan, Feb)
- MM: Month number with leading zero (e.g., 01 for January)
- M: Month number without leading zero (e.g., 1 for January)
- DD: Day of the month with leading zero (e.g., 01 for the 1st)
- D: Day of the month without leading zero (e.g., 1 for the 1st)
Day of the Week:
- dddd: Full day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday)
- ddd: Abbreviated day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tue)
- d: Day of the week as a number (0 for Sunday through 6 for Saturday)
- HH: Hours in 24-hour format with leading zero (e.g., 00 for midnight, 23 for 11 PM)
- H: Hours in 24-hour format without leading zero (e.g., 0 for midnight, 23 for 11 PM)
- hh: Hours in 12-hour format with leading zero (e.g., 01 for 1 AM, 12 for noon, 11 for 11 PM)
- h: Hours in 12-hour format without leading zero (e.g., 1 for 1 AM, 12 for noon, 11 for 11 PM)
- mm: Minutes with leading zero (e.g., 05)
- m: Minutes without leading zero (e.g., 5)
- ss: Seconds with leading zero (e.g., 05)
- s: Seconds without leading zero (e.g., 5)
- i: ISO 8601 (e.g. 2024-04-01T18:20:02+0000)
- r: relative dates (e.g. 3 hours ago)
- 2024-04-01 - YYYY-MM-DD
- Thu 3 Mar 2023 2:45pm - ddd D MMM YYYY hh:mma
- 2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z - i
- 1 hour ago (3 Mar '24 13:00) - r (D MMM 'YY HH:mm)
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